Ursula Lang, lic.iur. - Rechtsanwältin
Molkenstrasse 21 (beim Helvetiaplatz) - Postfach - 8021 Zürich
Telefon 044 211 58 58 - Telefax 044 211 58 59 - mail@ak-lang.ch
The law firm Ursula Lang in Zurich is your law firm for criminal law, commercial criminal law,
and Compliance. Ursula Lang, attorney-at-law, provides advice in all areas of criminal law. As your defense
attorney she offers support during criminal proceedings. In commercial criminal proceedings, she represents
you in your role as accused or injured party. To companies, she offers advice in the field of Compliance.
Since 1996, Ursula Lang has been working as attorney-at-law, first for a corporate law firm and
later for a major Swiss bank, finally as General Counsel for Switzerland and the business area Private
Banking & Wealth Management. Since 2015, Ursula Lang has been advising and representing clients as
independent attorney-at-law in Zurich.
The law firm is located at Helvetiaplatz in Zurich.